Recent tall mass timber code changes allowed a growing number of mass timber structures worldwide as a sustainable and economically favorable onstruction method. This 2-day, in-person event will provide an in-depth analysis of the engineering challenges of mass timber structures and is intended to holistically showcase the use and progress of mass timber construction within Canada.
An outstanding panel of experts comes together to share their knowledge and best practices so fire protection and structural engineers, designers, architects, academics, code officials, and first responders can have confidence that a fire event will be adequately managed by applied fire protection systems and fire service response. Topics covered during the event will focus on the Canadian regulatory approach to exposed mass timber, existing international codes, the latest research on fire dynamics and large-scale testing, building design, case studies of recent mass timber projects, risk assessment and mitigation as well as resources available to designers when considering mass timber projects.
Several panel discussions are incorporated into the program schedule to allow speakers to answer audience questions and offer different perspectives on topics discussed.
Learning Objectives:
This symposium will:
Illustrate the progression of mass timber as a construction material within Canada
Review the latest research and findings and identify research gaps
Educate industry professionals in the fire engineering principles that underpin mass timber construction
Summarize international code changes
Professional Development Hours:
Upon completion each participant qualifies for 10.25 Professional Development Credits. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded after completion of online evaluation survey.
Primary Training Location:
August 24-25: Program: University of Waterloo, Federation Hall, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON
August 24: Evening Networking Reception: Engineering 7 (E7), 200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON