Thursday, October 13, 2022
Sunrise Walk/Run on the Riverwalk (meet in hotel Motor lobby)
7:00 – 7:55a Ontario
Networking Breakfast in Expo Hall (Sponsored by Hydratec Inc.) 
7:00 – 7:55a TBD
Women in Fire Protection Engineering Networking Breakfast (Generously Supported by FM Global) Event is by invitation only, contact for more information.
General Session
8:00 – 8:15a Columbus
Opening & Welcome Remarks Beth Tubbs, 2022 SFPE President Rose West, SFPE Michigan Chapter President
8:15 – 9:00a Columbus
Opening Keynote Systems & Safety: An Equity Perspective Adam K. Thiel, Fire Commissioner, Philadelphia Fire Department
9:00 – 9:30a Columbus
General Session
Today’s Challenges & Tomorrow’s Triumphs – Exploring our Role as Individuals, as a Profession, and as a Global Society
Nicole Boston, SFPE CEO; Chris Jelenewicz, SFPE Chief Engineer
In this era of constant change and constant challenges – where environmental unease and an ever-present focus on sustainability drive our focus toward new ideas, collaboration, and performance – there is a role for each of us as individuals, for our fire protection engineering profession, and for SFPE as our global professional society. With a healthy dose of reality and future-focused outcomes, this talk will explore how you, how our profession, and how SFPE can champion triumphs for tomorrow.
9:30 – 10:05a Columbus
General Session Need for Structural Resilience to Mitigate Fire Hazard in Modern Structures Venkatesh Kodur, Centre on Structural Fire Engineering and Diagnostics, MSU Fire is one of the extreme loading events that a building may experience during its service life and such an event can have severe consequences on the safety of its occupants, first responders, and the structure and ensuring resilient structural system is critical for mitigating fire hazard in modern buildings The emerging trend in construction sector is to design critical structures for resiliency to ensure safety and mitigate progressive collapse under extreme loading events. The performance problems associated with high performing materials and modern structures under fire conditions will be discussed at this session and through case studies it will be demonstrated that by adopting proper strategies, both at material and structural levels, fire resistance and resiliency of modern structures can be enhanced.
10:05 - 10:30a Columbus
IGNITE® Session 5 Under 35 Award Recipients
- Spence R. Carter, PE, Idaho National Laboratory
- Will Clay, PE, Burns & McDonnell
- Jessica L. Doermann, ARUP
- Ruggiero Lovreglio, PhD, Massey University
- Yu Wang, PhD, State Key Laboratory of Fire Science
10:30 – 11:00a Ontario
Networking Break in Expo Hall (Sponsored by International Code Council) 
Breakout Tracks
11:00a – 12:30p
A – Fire Dynamics
Location: Cabot
Moderator: Peter Senez
B – Building Fire/Building Design
Location: Columbus
Moderator: Jack Fairchild
C – Resiliency / Sustainability
Location: Mackinac
Moderator: Adam Graybeal
D – Sponsored Track
Location: Cartier
11:00 – 11:30a
Sensitivity of Explosion Vent Sizing to Fundamental Burning Velocity and Maximum Deflagration Pressure Measurement
Veronica Kimmerly
A Holistic Approach to Fire Safety for Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
Susan Lamont
Water Supply and Climate Change: The Impact of Water Stress on Fire Protection Systems
Virginia Charter *SFPE Foundation-supported project

Low Oxygen Fire Protection for Cold Storage Warehouses
Chris Wesner
11:30a – Noon
Development and Validation of a Material Property Database for Fire Models
Mark Mckinnon
Thermal Response of Curtain Wall Systems Exposed to Fire
Francesca Lugaresi *SFPE Foundation-supported project
Environmental and Health Impacts of Fire and Fire-Suppression Activities During Large-scale Fire Events
Jamie McAllister and Zelda Zhao *SFPE Foundation-supported project

Benefits of Industrialization and Digitalization in Improving Fire Safety Objectives of Mission Critical Facilities Case Study
Alejandro Uribe
Noon – 12:30p
An Engineering Model for the Pyrolysis of Materials
Jonathan Hodges
Existing Buildings Performance-Based Design
Fang Li
A New Way to Spray: Seeking a Greener Alternative to Spray-Applied Fire-Resistive Material
Kevin Black

Prefabricated Fire Pump Solutions
Jesse Baker
12:30 – 2:00p
Networking Lunch in Expo Hall (Sponsored by Protectowire Fire Systems) 
1:00 – 2:00p
Student Poster Presentations in Expo Hall
General Session
2:00 – 2:15p
Awards Presentations Beth Tubbs, 2022 SFPE President
- The Harold E. Nelson Service Award: Sean S. Donohue, PE, PEng, FSFPE, Jensen Hughes
- The D. Peter Lund Award: Jack Poole, PE, FSFPE, Poole Fire Protection
- The John J. Ahern President's Award: Daniel L. Arnold, PE, FSFPE, Seneca Fire Engineering
2:15 – 2:55p
General Session The Use of Research and Forensics in Developing Industry Best Fire Protection Practices for Lithium Ion Applications.
Jason Sutula, Forensic Expert, Jensen Hughes
Clear guidance on the method and means to protect products, applications, and storage involving lithium-ion cells, modules, and batteries does not exist in the currently available codes and standards. As such, the fire protection of a facility that contains lithium ion cells, modules, or batteries must rely on available fire protection research and overall industry best practices. The goal of these best practices is to lower the chances of a thermal runaway event occurring and, if a thermal runaway event does occur, to promote early discovery, personnel safety, and the mitigation of potential business interruption. This presentation will cover the codes and standards gap associated with lithium-ion battery formation and storage, provide a lithium-ion forensic failure example, and demonstrate how research and lessons learned can lead to a set of best practices that should be considered when engaged in fire protection design for these applications.
Lightning Talks Breakout Track
3:00 – 5:00p
A – Building Fire Design/Fire Dynamics
Location: Cabot
Moderator: Peter Senez
B – Forensic/Human Behavior/Fire Safety
Location: Columbus
Moderator: Jimmy Landmesser
C – Fire Safety Systems
Location: Mackinac
Moderator: Craig Vesely
D – Sponsored Track
Location: Cartier
3:00 – 3:15p
External Flaming from a Large Open-plan Compartment with Exposed Timber: CodeRed#
Rikesh Amin
Classification of the Fire-Damage Degree to Gypsum Wallboards Using Data-Driven Image Analysis
Shuna Ni (presenting for David Unobe)
Effect of Inert Gas Discharge Time on Wood Crib Fires Used in Extinguishing Approval Testing
John Zimak

No More Charlie Brown's Teacher! Voice Intelligibility, A Deeper Dive
Eric Lenhof
3:15 – 3:30p
Ensuring Fire Safety of Hybrid Meeting Pods for Open Offices through Full-scale Fire Testing
David Rich (presenting for Timo Inkinen)
Opportunity Knocks…A Refresher on a Critical Passive Fire Protection Feature - Fire Doors
Michael Rzeznik
Lessons Learned from the Use of Automatic Water Cannons (aka Smart Monitors) in Warehouse and Chemical Plant Applications
James Lynch and John Frank
3:30 – 3:45p
Company-wide Fire Risk Assessment of Hydraulic Jet-Spray Fires in a Heavy Manufacturing Environment
David Harvey
Validation of Computer-based Models to Predict Egress Times from Railcar
Mishuk Datta
Diesel Fire Pump Systems – Required Calculations Engineers Often Miss
John Denhardt

Technology and Code Updates Impacting Designs and Specifications
Jeff Merwin
3:45 – 4:00p
Effects of Randomness in Occupant Loading in High-density Areas on Evacuation Time Using Pathfinder
Karli Steranka
Seismic Shakes It Up Again
Victoria Valentine
4:00 – 4:30p
Networking Break in Expo Hall
4:30 – 4:45p
Bringing Fire Protection to the Forefront of Architectural Design
Steven Barrett
Implications of Li-ion Technology for Structural Design of Buildings
Ali Ashrafi
New Fluorine Free Foams and their efficacy through various proportioning methods
Joe Stonecypher

IBC Spill Containment
Shaun Kramer
4:45 – 5:00p
Toxicity Test and Performance Criteria for Passenger Railcar Materials
Stefan Kraft
Advancements in Corrosion Mitigation Technology for Dry Pipe and Preaction Sprinkler Systems
Mark Hopkins
Performance Based Design in Mega-Warehouses
Tom Gardner
General Session
5:00 – 6:00p
Delegated Fire Protection Engineering – A Panel Discussion on Expectations and Practice
SFPE Engineering Practice Subcommittee Moderator: Brandon Wilkerson, Founder and Principal, Rated Engineering Panelists: John Denhardt, VP Engineering, AFSA; Jonathan Lund, Fire Marshal, Des Moines Fire Dept.; Mark Hopkins, Regional Director, TERP Consulting; and Mike Stone, Field Sales Engineer, Johnson Controls Excess liability shedding, inconsistent practice, and misunderstanding of stakeholder roles can each devalue the practice of fire protection engineering. Alignment of terms and practice is an essential step in establishing fire protection engineers as a valuable member of the AEC industry. This panel will address issues such as regional variability, risks, and lessons learned from the perspective of engineers, contractors, and other industry stakeholders. This panel discussion has been organized by the SFPE Engineering Practice subcommittee, whose mission is to help develop efforts to improve relationships and policies impacting fire protection engineering.
6:00 – 6:30p
SFPE 2022 Fellows Presentation Beth Tubbs, 2022 SFPE President
- Warren D. Bonisch, PE, FSFPE, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
- Dale C. Hansen, PE, FSFPE, Harrington Group
- Gavin Horn, PhD, FSFPE, UL Fire Safety Research Institute
- Peter L. Senez, PEng, FSFPE, Senez Consulting
- Victoria B. Valentine, PE, FSFPE, American Fire Sprinkler Association
- Steven D. Wolin, PE, FSFPE, The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co.
6:30 – 8:00p
SFPE Fellows’ Reception (Open to All Attendees)
In the GM Renaissance Center
Friday, October 14, 2022
Sunrise Walk/Run on the Riverwalk (meet in the hotel Motor lobby)
7:00 – 7:55a
Networking Breakfast in Expo Hall (Sponsored by Peerless Pump) 
General Session
8:00 – 8:20a
Welcome & SFPE Foundation Awards Peter Senez, SFPE Foundation Chair
- The Jack Bono Award:
Haavard Boehmer, PE, Senior Fire Protection Engineer, Performance Based Fire Protection Engineering, USA Michael S. Klassen, PhD, PE, Principal Research Engineer, Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc., USA Stephen M. Olenick, MSFPE, PE, Principal Engineer, Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc., USA
- The Dr. Guylène Proulx, OC Scholarship: Erik Smedberg, Ph.D. student, Lund University, Sweden
- The Student Scholar Award: Iffah Umairah Zulmajdi, Ph.D. candidate, Universiti Putra Malaysia
- The Frederick W. Mowrer Global Scholar Award: Hafizha Mulyasih, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. student, Universitas Indonesia
- The Arthur B. Guise Medal: Albert Simeoni, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
8:20 – 9:00a
Guise Medalist Keynote: WUI Fire Research for Fire Protection Engineering
Albert Simeoni, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fire is a new frontier in Fire Protection Engineering, and it is a topic that has not been fully integrated into our practice. There are still a lot of unknowns about WUI fires, how they spread and how to assess vulnerabilities, of the build environment, but also of first responders and the population. This talk will look at what research has been done in this field that can support the work of FPEs and will also discuss some of the needs for future research.
9:00 – 9:30a
Your SFPE Foundation: Updates and Opportunities to Engage Peter Senez, SFPE Foundation Chair Leslie Marshall, SFPE Foundation Director
9:30 – 10:00a
Networking Break in Expo Hall (Sponsored by Jensen Hughes) 
Breakout Tracks
10:00 – Noon
A – Fire Service (AHJs)
Location: Columbus
Moderator: Edward Prendergast
B – Grand Challenges Initiative
Location: Mackinac
Moderator: SFPE Foundation
C – Fire Safety Systems
Location: Cabot
Moderator: Mark Hopkins
D – Sponsored Track
Location: Cartier
10:00 –10:30a
The Impact of Li-Ion Energy Storage Systems on Residential Garage Fire Dynamics and Considerations for Incident Response
Adam Barowy
Overview of the Grand Challenges Initiative
Leslie Marshall, SFPE Foundation
Large-Scale Testing of Oxygen Reduction Systems for ASRS Applications
Stanislav Kostka

Lithium-Ion ESS Enclosure Heat Flux Analysis
Jon Reymann and Andrew Taggart
10:30 – 11:00a
On the Effect of Exposed Timber on the Severity of Structural Fires in a Compartment and Required Firefighting Resources
Shuna Ni
Updates from Two GCI Working Groups:
Climate Change
Ankit Sharma, GCI Fellow
Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity
Tianhang Zhang, GCI Fellow
Aircraft Hangar Fire Protection; Changes to NFPA 409 and Review of FPRF Research Report
Brian O’Connor

The Fundamentals of Surge Protection
Jason Klein
11:00 – 11:30a
What the WUI Fire Community Can Learn from the Field of Civil Engineering on Resilience
Ann Jeffers
GCI Founding Partners Featured Panel
Raj Arora, CEO, Jensen Hughes
Dale C. Hansen, P.E., Principal/Chief Engineer/Director of Quality & Technology, Harrington Group Inc.
Steve Kerber, PhD, PE, VP & Executive Director, UL Research Institutes
Seth Sienkiewicz, PE, Senior Lead Research Engineer, AVP, FM Global
Evaluating Data and Voice Signals in Pathway Survivable Cables for Life Safety Systems – A Fire Protection Research Foundation Study
Amanda Kimball (presenting for Jacqueline Wilmot)

Survivability and the addition of Level 4 to NFPA 72
Mike Stone |
11:30 – Noon
Real-time Mine Fire Classification to Support Firefighter Decision Making
Jonathan Hodges (presenting for Manuel Daza)
Protecting Liquids That Burn: NFPA 30 - Where It Was, Where It Is Now, Where It May Go, and the Value of Change
John LeBlanc

Understanding NFPA 4 - Standard for Integrated Fire Protection & Life Safety System Testing
Jonathan Sullivan
Noon – 12:55p
Networking Lunch in Expo Hall (Sponsored by HRS Systems, Inc.) 
General Session
1:00 – 1:15p
Awards Presentations Beth Tubbs, 2022 SFPE President
- The David A. Lucht Award: Robert Jönsson, Sweco
- The John L. Bryan Mentoring Award: Guo-Qiang Li, Tongji University
- The Rolf H. Jensen Award for Outstanding Committee Service: Jeffrey Harrington
- Fire Protection Person of the Year: Gary Lewis, City of Summit New Jersey
1:15 – 2:15p
Fire and Life Safety in Today’s Rapidly Changing World – What are We Missing? Moderated by Beth Tubbs, 2022 SFPE President Moriel Kaplan, Jensen Hughes Gary Lewis, SFPE 2022 Fire Protection Person of the Year Mike O’Brian, Brighton Area Fire Authority Dwayne Sloan, UL Solutions
Fire protection engineers often develop engineering solutions to address unique issues that don’t fit within the prescribed building or life safety codes. Unfortunately, many building and fire code officials (AHJs) do not have the background and experience to approve these designs. The limited exposure to advanced engineering methods may make it harder to take fire engineering to the next level and runs the risk of engineering solutions being approved that may lack the necessary robustness. During this panel discussion, SFPE President Beth Tubbs will lead a conversation with designers, testing experts, and building and fire code officials to understand these challenges and what steps SFPE can take to bridge these gaps.
2:15 – 2:30p
Invitation to 2023 Annual Conference Beth Tubbs, 2022 SFPE President and Mark Hopkins, SFPE Chesapeake Chapter President
2:30 – 3:00p
Networking Break in Expo Hall
Breakout Tracks
3:00 – 4:30p
A – Fire Dynamics
Location: Columbus
Moderator: Bryan Klein
B – Wildland-Urban Interface: Practical Applications
Location: Mackinac
Moderator: SFPE Foundation
C – Energy Storage
Location: Cabot
Moderator: TBD
D – Human Behavior & Evacuation Modelling
Location: Cartier
Moderator: TBD
3:00 – 3:30p
Structural Hazards of Smouldering Fire in Timber Buildings
Harry Mitchell
Live Demonstration & Workshopping of SFPE & SFPE Foundation’s new
“Virtual Handbook of Engineering Resources for WUI Property Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation”
Led by Darlene Rini, PE, Jensen Hughes and Alex Cooper, Jensen Hughes
Fire service personnel, AHJs, and fire engineers operating in the WUI are especially encouraged to attend.
Battery Energy Storage - Landscape of Systems, Hazards, and Mitigation Strategies
Noah Ryder
Effectiveness of Alert Tones
Bryan Hoskins
3:30 – 4:00p
Computational Reconstruction of Heat Transfer Measurements from Firebrands to Surfaces
TJ Khambhampati
Updates to Current Codes & Technologies for Large-Scale Battery Storage Systems – 4.0
Paul Hayes
Application and Interpretation of Visibility through Smoke in Performance-based Design
Mathilde Girault
4:00– 4:30p
Assessing the Impact of Fires within Large Electrical Cabinets
Kevin McGrattan
Landscape of Battery Energy Storage Hazards, Mitigation Strategies and a Roadmap for Future Research
Victoria Hutchison
Using the Latest Findings to Improve Evacuation Strategies, Evacuation Modelling and Code Requirements
Chris Campbell
Networking & Closing Reception
4:30 – 5:30p
Renaissance Foyer
Closing Reception (Open to all attendees)