Sign Up for AmazonSmile

Did you know the SFPE Foundation is on Click here to sign up for AmazonSmile and please set SFPE Educational and Scientific Foundation as your preferred non-profit organization to make a donation to the SFPE Foundation with every purchase. This will not increase the cost of your purchase and 0.5% of the purchase price will be donated to the SFPE Foundation on all eligible purchases. Remember to shop using or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon app and AmazonSmile will donate at no cost to you. (Amazon Smile is not available in all locations)

How to Set Up Amazon Smile on the Website

  1. Go to instead of and log in to your account.
  2. Under “Your Account”, click on “Your AmazonSmile”

  3. If you are setting this up for the first time, you will be prompted to select a non-profit organization. If you are switching organizations, there is an option to “Change Charity” under “Your current charity.”Search for SFPE and select “SFPE Educational and Scientific Foundation, Inc.”

  4. Search for SFPE and select “SFPE Educational and Scientific Foundation, Inc.”

  5. Click “Select” and then you are ready to start shopping!

  6. Use (instead of for all future purchases and AmazonSmile will donate to the SFPE Educational and Scientific Foundation at no cost to you!

    How to Set Up Amazon Smile on the App

    AmazonSmile is also available on the Amazon Shopping phone app (Android devices with version 7.0+ or iOS devices with version 12+). To activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app, simply tap on “AmazonSmile” within the Programs & Features menu or Settings and follow the on-screen instructions. For more information, click here.