2025 Conference Program Committee
Make plans to join your peers as the global fire protection and safety engineering community convenes at the SFPE25 European Conference & Expo on Fire Safety Engineering in Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
The program committee represents SFPE, SFPE Europe and SFPE European chapters and members to ensure that highly relevant and engaging technical fire safety topics are presented at the conference.
Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, members of SFPE Europe include the Society’s 20 European chapters in Albania, Austria, Benelux, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom, plus five student chapters at the Main School of Fire Service, Coimbra University, International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering, Imperial College/Greater London, and the University of Edinburgh. Learn more about SFPE Europe and its chapters at sfpe.org/Europe.
Program Committee
Karl Wallasch, Chair
Dr. Rory Hadden, Co-Chair
Robert McNamee, PhD, SFPE Europe
Dr. Kathrin Grewolls
Giovanni Cosma
Gianluca De Sanctis
Simon Santamaria, PhD
Martina Manes, PhD
Axel Mossberg, PhD
Gabriele Vigne, PhD
Karen Boyce, PhD
Peter Senez, SFPE Foundation
Chris Jelenewicz, PE, SFPE CEO
William Koffel, PE, SFPE Conferences & Symposia Subcommittee Chair
Warren Bonisch, PE, SFPE Course Content Development Subcommittee Chair