This award is presented by the SFPE Foundation and represents its most prestigious research award. The Arthur B. Guise Medal recognizes eminent achievement in the advancement of the science and technology of fire protection engineering and is named in memory of the achievements of Arthur Guise, who singularly developed dry chemicals for use as fire extinguishing agents. The achievement may be in research, development, design, innovation, management, education or literature.
The Foundation's Board of Governors established the Bono Award in 1994 to recognize the author(s) of the paper published in the SFPE Journal during the prior year that has most contributed to the advancement and application of professional fire protection engineering.
Guylène Proulx was considered by all who knew her to be one of the preeminent researchers and communicators in the field of human behavior in emergencies. Her enduring legacy, as stated by her international colleagues, is the body of her research work. This scholarship award honors her legacy by building on the research in her chosen profession.
This award was established in 2006 by the Foundation's Board of Governors to recognize high-performing students who are conducting research to advance the science and practice of fire protection engineering. Nominations are accepted from undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students and are judged on scientific quality and relevance of their research to the fire protection engineering profession.
SFPE Educational & Scientific Foundation established the Frederick W. Mowrer Global Scholar Award fund in September 2020 as a result of a major donation by Kathleen Almand, P.E. FSFPE. Ms. Almand donated $25,000 to create this fund to award an annual $1,000 scholarship to a student involved in fire safety engineering or a related discipline at a post-secondary educational institution in a developing nation. The goal of this scholarship is to impact safety around the world by supporting students to develop fire protection expertise in countries with rapidly expanding infrastructure.