Digitalization, AI, & Cybersecurity


Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, & Cybersecurity

Digitalization and artificial intelligence play an increasing role in our societies, not only in business environments but also in people’s personal lives (e.g., through AI implementation on their cell phones). With this increased role come new opportunities to draw on these tools to increase fire safety. Representative topics in this area include:

  1. Use of cloud-based home/consumer devices to pinpoint fire origins
  2. Drawing on cell phones to develop smart egress systems
  3. Big data and AI-technologies to model building fires
    • Data collection for fires
    • Construction and management of fire database
    • Advanced AI technologies
    • Reliability and uncertainty of AI model
  4. Data mining to identify chemical process deviations
  5. Behavioral response to emergency notifications
  6. Combined fire and evacuation models
  7. Behavior based models
    • Cultural
    • Pre-evacuation time
    • Actions other than evacuating
  8. Risk/probabilistic models of Human Behavior regarding:
    • Residential buildings
    • Large populations
    • Community level
    • High-challenge environments
    • Quantifying the level of “life safety” in a building
    • Effects of fire on visibility and gases
    • Impact of public education on fire risk
  9. Building information modeling
  10. Smart buildings
  11. Improved test methods
  12. Integrated FP systems and building connectivity
  13. Smart firefighting
    • IoT integration
    • Mechanical augmentation
    • Fire department communication with BIM
    • Firefighter tracking and location
  14. Automated, quantifiable exposure monitoring
  15. Massively parallel computing
  16. Digital recordings of distributed control systems and programmable logic controllers
  17. Digital data collection (black boxes)
  18. Fire scene identification based on computer vision technologies:
    • Identification of building dimensions, fire location, and sizes
    • Overview of large scenes from drones
  19. Linking of 3D scanning technology with computer fire models
  20. Methods to preserve evidence
  21. Tools to extract data from digital sources
  22. Improved software to create multiple-source dynamic event timelines
  23. Simulation tools to recreate process conditions in chemical plants
  24. Advanced calculation methods to evaluate hypothesis
  25. Tools to estimate damage effects
  26. Virtual reality/augmented reality to describe and test scenarios
  27. Potential ethic issues (cybersecurity, privacy, models based on AI)