Women in Fire Protection Engineering - Ignite Your Ambition

When:  Oct 24, 2022 from 12:00 to 13:30 (ET)

The truth is that men and women experience leadership differently, but we rarely discuss this in professional settings. Understanding the difference is the key to unlocking your natural leadership abilities and those of your team. When you do this, you will provide more value to your company and become more fulfilled professionally. In this interactive workshop, you'll learn:

  • How women leaders bring value to their companies and why they can help solve the current talent shortage.
  • The difference between transactional and transformational leadership and why this matters.
  • Why men progress to leadership faster than women.
  • Why sponsorship (not mentorship) is the answer to accelerating the path to leadership for women.
  • Strategies you can take back to your company to start creating opportunities immediately. 

Hosted by the WiFPE group and FM Global.

Andrea Janzen, Founder & CEO Ambition Theory LLC

Please contact education@sfpe.org.