SFPE Europe Magazine

SFPE Europe is a digital magazine produced by SFPE. The mission of SFPE Europe is to highlight the practice of fire protection engineering and fire safety engineering and to showcase current research being done in the field. The opinions and positions stated are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of SFPE. SFPE Europe is published digitally quarterly.

Current Issue

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Issues 2015-2024 are open access to everyone.

SFPE Europe Editorial Board

Technical Editor

Jimmy Jönsson, JVVA Fire & Risk, Spain

Editorial Board Members

Birgitte Messerschmidt, NFPA, USA
Brian Meacham, Meacham Associates, USA
Cristian Maluk, DAMA Engineering Consultants, United Kingdom
Daniel Nilsson, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Enrico Ronchi, Lund University, Sweden
Gabriele Vigne, JVVA Fire & Risk, Spain
Greg Baker, Fire Research Group Limited, New Zealand
Kees Both, ETEX Innovation and Technology Centre, Belgium
Luca Fiorentini, TECSA, Italy
Luciano Nigro, Jensen Hughes, Italy
Nils Johansson, Lund University, Sweden
Sandra Vaiciulyte, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico
Richard Walls, Stellenbosch University ,South Africa
Wojciech Węgrzyński, Building Research Institute (ITB), Poland

Production Manager

Austin Guerrazzi, SFPE


Kristin Griffes, kgriffes@sfpe.org

Interested in Contributing?

To be considered for publication, articles submitted should be free of commercial bias and should provide fresh insights that are sound and relevant to practicing fire protection engineers. Articles should describe problems and solutions from which readers can learn. Descriptions of solutions should clearly communicate lessons learned-how-to insights deduced from experience and explained through examples.

Authors are asked to comply with the Style Sheet for Fire Protection Engineering. Articles submitted should cite authoritative references whenever applicable.

All articles accepted will be reviewed by the magazine's editorial board. Authors will be asked to respond to any comments that are provided by members of the editorial board. All articles accepted will be published with the understanding that publication has been approved by the necessary authority.

Author guidelines - download here

Please submit articles to info@sfpe.org