SFPE has created this special interest group (SIG) for Women in Fire Protection Engineering. WiFPE provides a global hub for women who are in the fire protection engineering profession to network, support and share best practices for the challenges and opportunities that affect them. In addition, it strives to inspire more women around the globe to pursue a career in fire protection engineering and science.
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The Fire Protection Engineering in the Fire Service Special Interest Group was created to focus on those aspects of fire protection engineering that overlap with the fire service. Offerings include resources, articles, webinars, events, education, scholarships and discounts.
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SFPE develops materials and provides resources that can be used to help students learn about fire protection engineering. SFPE and our members volunteer with student outreach programs such as the annual Future City Competition (as team mentors and/or competition judges) and exhibit at the annual USA Engineering and Science Festival. Materials and resources for these programs are gathered and disseminated to middle school, high school and college students.
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The Emerging Professionals Committee of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (EPS) is a community of SFPE members with up to 10 years experience in fire protection engineering. Emerging Professionals members have shared interests of networking with peers, advancing their professional development and supporting the Society.
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Interested in Sponsoring a Special Interest Group?
SFPE Special Interest Groups have an exclusive opportunity to position your company as a leader, an inclusive employer, and an advocate of the profession.
If you are interested in sponsoring one of these groups please contact SFPE Corporate Relations & Business Development Manager, Kristin Griffes by
email or phone +1 301-915-9721.