The SFPE Board of Directors appoints committee members for three years. Members can request to be appointed for additional terms. The Chair and the staff liaison review requests. The Board makes decisions on a rolling basis. To apply to join a standing committee or subcommittee, log in to your member profile, click here, and go to "Committee Request" under "Forms."
Committee Chair: Jimmy Landmesser, PE
Committee Vice-Chair: Stephen Dale, PE
Staff Liaison: Hana Herron
The Standing Committee on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is charged with developing and maintaining a strategic continuing education plan for the Society; providing guidance on topics and content for events that meet the body of knowledge transfer and continuing education needs of members worldwide; and guiding the use of relevant education from other allied organizations.
Course Content Development (CCD)
This CCD Subcommittee identifies the educational course content that needs to be developed and provides oversight over its development. This subcommittee also ensures that the Society's courses align with our standards, engineering guidelines, and board-approved core competencies. It also provides oversight to develop the content following board-approved policies and procedures.
Subcommittee Chair: Warren Bonisch, PE, FSFPE
Staff Liaison: Travis Conner
PE Exam Review Course
The PE Exam Review Course Subcommittee comprises members with an interest, experience, or expertise in developing or delivering content for fire protection engineering or other related credentialing examinations. The Subcommittee is responsible for developing, promoting, and delivering tools to prepare candidates for the U.S. engineering licensure examination and other credentialing examinations. Subcommittee members cannot be involved in PE exam development activities.
Subcommittee Co-Chairs: Stephen Dale, PE and Randy Day, PE
Staff Liaison: Travis Conner
Conferences & Symposia
The subcommittee provides input on topics and content for workshops, symposia, and conferences that meet the knowledge transfer and continuing education needs of members worldwide as delivered in this format. This subcommittee may also serve as the program committee for events, including the Annual Conference, European Conference, PBD Conference, etc. It is the discretion of the subcommittee chair to assign task groups for individual events.
Subcommittee Chair: William Koffel, PE, FSFPE
Subcommittee Co-Chair: David Grossman
Staff Liaison: Hana Herron
2025 Annual Conference & Expo
Committee Chair: Amanda Kimball, PE, FSFPE
Committee Co-Chair: Kieran Ager, MSc, P.Eng, CP, CEng, PMSFPE, CFPS
2025 European Conference & Expo on Fire Safety Engineering
Committee Chair: Karl Wallasch, Dipl-Ing, CEng, MIFireE, PMSFPE
Committee Co-Chair: Rory Hadden, PhD
Virtual Learning
The subcommittee provides input on topics, speakers and content for virtual learning opportunities, including webinars and seminars which meet the body of knowledge transfer and continuing education needs of SFPE global membership. The Subcommittee also guides on use of relevant virtual education from other allied organizations.
Subcommittee Chair: Melisa Rodriguez, PE
Staff Liaison: Jenny Chambers