Executive Office

Chris Jelenewicz, Chief Executive Officer
cjelenewicz@sfpe.org | 301-915-9728
Contact Chris about governance, strategy, code of conduct, and professional ethics.
Bryan Bennett, Executive Office Administrator
bbennett@sfpe.org | 301-915-9734
Contact Bryan about the board of directors, board nominations, and office operations.
Kristin Hughes, Senior Accountant/Assistant Controller
Contact Kristin Hughes about account receivables/payables and invoicing

Chris Jelenewicz, PE, FSFPE, Chief Engineer
cjelenewicz@sfpe.org | 301-915-9728
Contact Chris about the RTM committee, Handbook, standards & guides, CEN reference codes, ANSI, and ISO.
Glynis Thompson, PE, Professional Qualifications Manager
gthompson@sfpe.org | 301-915-9720
Contact Glynis about FPE competencies, credentialing, model curriculum, ABET, NCEES/PE Exam, position statements, and Women in Fire Protection Engineering.

Ryan Tunkel, Standards & Guides Administrator
rtunkel@sfpe.org | 301-915-9724
Contact Ryan about the performance-based design standard, the existing building standard, human behavior guide, peer review guide, tall building guide, NFPA and ICC reference codes.
Education & Events

Hana Herron, Education & Events Director
hherron@sfpe.org | 301-915-9736
Contact Hana about conferences, symposia, and contract seminars.

Travis Conner, Education Development Manager
tconner@sfpe.org | 301-915-9729
Contact Travis about the PE Exam review course and new course development.

Jennifer Chambers, Education Specialist
Jchambers@sfpe.org | 301-915-9727
Contact Jennifer about registration for our conferences & symposia, webinars, and PDH certificates.
Membership and Marketing
Ben Fogel, Senior Membership Manager
bfogel@sfpe.org | 301-915-9733
Contact Ben about Awards, Fellows, upgrading your membership, and our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) - Fire Service, Emerging Professionals, and Students membership options.

Kristin Griffes, Industry Partnerships & Business Development Manager
kgriffes@sfpe.org | 301-915-9721
Contact Kristin for any industry partnership initiatives, conference and exhibiting opportunities, custom sponsorships, and advertising. If you are a business looking to reach those within SFPE’s diverse database and/or contribute to the SFPE Foundation’s research initiatives, student travel fund, or additional collaboration opportunities, contact Kristin.

Austin Guerrazzi, Marketing & Data Analytics Director
aguerrazzi@sfpe.org | 301-915-9730
Contact Austin about outreach and communications, periodicals, publications, news briefs, social media, compensation report, careers, Fire Technology Journal, SFPE Europe Digital Magazine and Fire Protection Engineering magazine.

Aunyea Hall, Senior Marketing and Membership Associate
ahall@sfpe.org | 301-915-9725
Contact Aunyea about membership inquiries, invoicing, webinar promotions, and SFPE Connect

Eva Przygodzki, Chapter Engagement Manager
eva@sfpe.org | 301-915-9726
Contact Eva about chapters and SFPE Europe.

Leslie Marshall, PhD, SFPE Foundation Director
lmarshall@sfpefoundation.org | 301-915-9735
Contact Leslie about the SFPE Foundation, Grand Challenges Initiative, Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) program, and Foundation awards and scholarships.

Amanda Tarbet, Senior Program Manager
atarbet@sfpefoundation.org | 301-915-9731
Contact Amanda about the Academic Leadership Council, university listings, FEMA grants, awards, and contracts.

Aimee Zube, Database & Partnership Operations Manager
azube@sfpefoundation.org | 301-915-9722
Contact her with any questions regarding individual, chapter, or industry donations, pledges, invoices, or receipts for payments made to SFPE or SFPE Foundation for membership or industry collaboration.