SFPE Award for Chapter Excellence

The SFPE Board of Directors established ACE (formerly known as the Chapter Excellence Awards) in 2005 to recognize SFPE Chapters that demonstrate excellence in contributing to the needs of their members and the Society. Three levels of recognition are awarded — Gold, Silver and Bronze.

2024 Recipients


Chesapeake Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, St Laurent Chapter, New York Empire Chapter, Dallas-Ft. Worth Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, Central Savannah River Chapter, Southern California Chapter, New York Metropolitan Chapter, Philadelphia-Delaware Valley Chapter, Switzerland Chapter, Taiwan Student Chapter, The University of Queensland Student Chapter, Hefei Student Chapter, Shanghai Student Chapter

Silver Tennessee Valley Chapter, UK Chapter, Northern California Nevada Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter, National, Capital Region Chapter, Qatar Chapter, Mexico Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, Snake River Valley Chapter, South Africa Chapter, P.R of China Chapter, New England Chapter, Brazil Chapter, Florida Chapter, Middle Tennessee Chapter, University of Maryland Student Chapter, Hong Kong Student Chapter, IMFSE Student Chapter, University of Edinburgh Student Chapter
Bronze Oklahoma Chapter, New Zealand Chapter, Minnesota Chapter, Houston Chapter, Greater St Louis Chapter, Greater Charlotte Chapter, Hawaii Chapter, Benelux Chapter, Poland Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, Albania Chapter, Swedish Chapter, Coastal Virginia Chapter, Finland Chapter, Italy Chapter, Israel Chapter, Rio Grande Chapter, Great Plains Chapter, University of Canterbury Student Chapter, Eastern Kentucky University Student Chapter, Eastern Canada Student Chapter

2023 Recipients


Oklahoma Chapter, National Capital Region Chapter, Greater Charlotte Chapter, Polish Chapter, Israel Chapter, Mexico Chapter, Finland Chapter, Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) Chapter, Saint-Laurent, New Jersey Chapter, Qatar Chapter, Greater Atlanta, Chesapeake Chapter, Philadelphia Delaware Valley, Southern California, NY Metro, Shanghai Student Chapter, Hong Kong Student Chapter, Hefei Student Chapter


Greece Chapter, Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter, Malta Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter, Macau Chapter, Snake River Valley Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter, Michigan Chapter, Malaysia Chapter, Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter, UK Chapter, New England Chapter, Rocky Mountain, New Zealand, Hawaii, UQ Student Chapter, Taiwan Student Chapter, IMFSE Student Chapter, The University of Edinburgh, University of Maryland Student Chapter


Houston Chapter, Italy Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter, Cascade Chapter, Switzerland Chapter, Brazil Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, British Columbia Chapter, Northern California - Nevada Chapter, Rio Grande Chapter, Spanish Chapter, China Chapter, Japan Chapter, NY Empire

2022 Recipients



University of Edinburgh Student Chapter, Chesapeake Chapter
Greater Atlanta Chapter, University of Queensland Student Chapter
New York Metropolitan Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter
Tennessee Valley Chapter, Central Savannah River Chapter
Rocky Mountain Chapter, Switzerland Chapter
Hong Kong Student Chapter, Shanghai Student Chapter
Philadelphia-Delaware Valley Chapter


Southern California Chapter, Brazil Chapter
Taiwan Chapter, New Jersey Chapter
Chicago Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter
New England Chapter, National Capital Region Chapter
Snake River Valley Chapter, P.R. of China Chapter


Hawaii Chapter, Central Virginia Chapter, Michigan Chapter, IMFSE Student Chapter, Hong Kong Chapter, Poland Chapter, Japan Chapter, Spanish Chapter, Northern California Nevada Chapter, Israel Chapter, Middle Tennessee Chapter, UK Chapter, Italy Chapter, Greater St Louis Chapter

2021 Recipients


Central Savannah River Area Chapter, Chesapeake Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, Hong Kong Student Chapter, New York Metro Chapter, New Zealand Chapter, Philadelphia Delaware Valley Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Southern California Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter, Switzerland Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter 


Cal Poly University Student Chapter, China Chapter, Great Plains Chapter, Greater St. Louis Chapter, IMFSE Student Chapter, India Chapter, New England Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, Northern California-Nevada Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter, Polish Chapter, Portugal Chapter, Snake River Valley Chapter, United Kingdom Chapter, University of Edinburgh Student Chapter


Benelux Chapter, Central Virginia Chapter, French Chapter, Greater Charlotte Chapter, Greater London Student Chapter, Greek Chapter, Hong Kong Chapter, Israel Chapter, Japan Chapter, Spanish Chapter, Sweden Chapter, University of Queensland Student Chapter, Utah Chapter 

2020 Recipients


Central Savannah River Area Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, IMFSE Student Chapter, New England Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, New York Metropolitan Chapter, Philadelphia Delaware Valley Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Saint-Laurent Chapter, Southern California Chapter, Switzerland Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter


Cal Poly University Student Chapter, Cascade Chapter, Chicago Chapter, China Chapter, Greater Charlotte Chapter, Greater London Student Chapter, Mo/Kan Chapter, Northern California Nevada Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter, Portugal Chapter, Snake River Valley Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter


Central Virginia Chapter, Houston Chapter, Japan Chapter, Swedish Chapter, United Kingdom Chapter, University of Edinburgh Student Chapter, University of Queensland Student Chapter

2019 Recipients


Central Savannah River Area Chapter, Chesapeake Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter,  New England Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, New York Metro Chapter, Northern California Nevada Chapter,  Philadelphia-Delaware Valley Chapter, Portugal Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Southern California Chapter,  St. Laurent Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter


CalPoly Student Chapter, Central Virginia Chapter, China Chapter, Greater Charlotte Chapter,  Great Plains Chapter, Hawaii Chapter, IMFSE Student Chapter, National Capital Region Chapter,  New Zealand Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter, Polish Chapter, Qatar Chapter,  Taiwan Chapter, UNC Charlotte Student Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter


French Chapter, Houston Chapter, Japan Chapter, Minnesota Chapter, Mo-KAN Chapter, Norway Chapter, Snake River Valley Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter, Spain Chapter, Swedish Chapter, Switzerland Chapter, Tri-State Cincinnati Chapter, University of Queensland Student Chapter

2018 Recipients


Central Savannah River Area Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, New England Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, New York Metropolitan Chapter, Northern California Nevada Chapter, Portugal Chapter, Qatar Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter, Southern California Chapter, St. Laurent Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter


CalPoly Student Chapter, Central Virginia Chapter, Chesapeake Chapter, Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter, Greater Charlotte Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter, Philadelphia-Delaware Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter, Sweden Chapter, UNC Charlotte Student Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter


Central Gulf Coast Chapter, French Chapter, Hawaii Chapter, Japan Chapter, Middle Tennessee Chapter, Mo-Kan Chapter, Rio Grande Chapter

2017 Recipients


Austin/San Antonio Chapter, Central Savannah River Area Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, National Capital Region Chapter, New England Chapter, New York Empire Chapter, New York Metropolitan Chapter, Northern California Nevada Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, San Diego Chapter, St. Laurent Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter


Carolinas Chapter, Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter, Great Plains Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter, Southern California Chapter, Sweden Chapter


CalPoly Student Chapter, Central Ohio Chapter, Central Virginia Chapter, China Chapter, French Chapter, Japan Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, Northeast Ohio Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter

2016 Recipients


Carolinas Chapter, Central Savannah River Area Chapter, Central Virginia Chapter, Great Plains Chapter, Hawaii Chapter, Mid-South Chapter, San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter, St. Lawrence Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter


Chicago Chapter, Dallas-Ft. Worth Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, Houston Chapter, Middle Tennessee Chapter, Mo-Kan Chapter, New England Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, New York Empire Chapter, Northern California – Nevada Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter, Philadelphia-Delaware Chapter, Pittsburgh-Three Rivers Chapter, P.R. China Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Spanish Chapter, Swedish Chapter, U.K. Chapter


Arizona Chapter, Benelux Chapter, Central Gulf Coast Chapter, Chesapeake Chapter, Columbia Basin Chapter, French Chapter, Hong Kong Chapter, Japan Chapter, Michigan Chapter, Minnesota Chapter, National Capital Region Chapter, Northeast Ohio Chapter, Southern California Chapter, Southern Nevada Chapter, Triangle-NC Chapter, University of Queensland Student Chapter, Utah Chapter

2015 Recipients


Austin/San Antonio Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, New England Chapter, New Jersey Chapter,Northern California-Nevada Chapter,Saudi Arabia Chapter, St. Lawrence Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter, The Central Savannah River Chapter


Hawaii Chapter,New York Empire Chapter,New York Metropolitan Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter,Rocky Mountain Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter,Sweden Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, United Kingdom Chapter
Central Virginia Chapter, Houston Chapter,Japan Chapter, Mid-South Chapter,Philadelphia-Delaware Valley Chapter, P.R. China Chapter,San Diego Chapter

2014 Recipients


Austin/San Antonio Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, Hawaii Chapter, New England Chapter, New York Metropolitan Chapter, Philadelphia/Delaware Valley Chapter, Saudi Arabia Chapter, St. Lawrence Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter, The Central Savannah River Chapter


British Columbia Chapter, Japan Chapter, Mid-South Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, Northern California-Nevada Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Swedish Chapter, Taiwan Chapter


Carolinas Chapter, New York Empire Chapter, P.R. China Chapter, Southern Ontario Chapter

2013 Recipients


Central Savannah River Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Colorado Rocky Mountain Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, New England Chapter, New Zealand Chapter, Saudi Arabia Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter


British Columbia Chapter, Hawaii Chapter, Mid South Chapter, National Capital Region Chapter, New York Metro Chapter, Taiwan Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter


China Chapter, Oklahoma Chapter, St. Lawrence Chapter

2012 Recipients


The Greater Atlanta Chapter, Central Savannah River Chapter, Chicago Chapter, New England Chapter, New Zealand Chapter, Philadelphia-Delaware Valley, Tennessee Valley Chapter


Hawaii Chapter, Mid South Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter, New York Metropolitan


The China Chapter, Hong Kong Chapter, Japan Chapter, SE Michigan Chapter, St. Lawrence Chapter, Sweden Chapter

2011 Recipients


The Central Savannah River Chapter, Chesapeake Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter, New England Chapter, Philadelphia-Delaware Valley Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter


Hawaii Chapter, New York Metropolitan Chapter, Saudi Arabia Chapter, Sweden Chapter, New York Empire Chapter


China Chapter, Japan Chapter, Michigan Chapter, National Capital region Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, St. Lawrence Chapter

2010 Recipients


The Central Savannah River Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Chesapeake Chapter, Tennessee Valley Chapter, New England Chapter, Greater Atlanta Chapter


New York Metropolitan Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Saudi Arabia Chapter


New York Empire Chapter, Michigan Chapter, Hawaii Chapter, P.R. China Chapter, Swedish Chapter, Houston Chapter, St. Lawrence Chapter

2009 Recipients


Central Savannah River Chapter, Chicago Chapter, New England Chapter


Hawaii Chapter, New York Metro Chapter, Philadelphia - Delaware Valley Chapter, Rocky Mountain Chapter


Mid-South Chapter, National Capital Region Chapter, New York Empire Chapter, P.R. China Chapter, Saudi Arabian Chapter

2008 Recipients


Central Savannah River Area, New England, Rocky Mountain


Chicago, New York Metropolitan, Philadelphia-Delaware Valley, Hawaii


Carolinas, China, Japan, National Capital Region, Pacific Northwest

2007 Recipients


Central Savannah River, New England Chapter


Chicago, New York Metropolitan, Rocky Mountain, Philadelphia-Delaware Valley


Hawaii, Northern California-Nevada, Saudi Arabia, Tennessee Valley

2006 Recipients


Central Savannah River, Philadelphia/Delaware Valley, Southeastern


Chesapeake, Hawaii, New York Metropolitan, Pacific Northwest, Saudi Arabia, Tennessee Valley


Chicago, New England, New Jersey, New York Empire, Rocky Mountain

2005 Recipients


Central Savannah River, Philadelphia/Delaware Valley, Rocky Mountain, Southeastern


Hawaii, Pacific Northwest, New York Empire, New Jersey, Northern California/Nevada


San Diego, National Capital Region Canada, New York Metropolitan, Tennessee Valley